Frequently Asked Questions 


How do we join the community? 

To join the community, you can subscribe on We share event information and updates through our mailing list. This gives you exclusive access to attend our events, engage with our community and read our publications such as the Wander Conservation Policy, cultural segment releases, and register for community engagements. 

How do we attend an event?

Once an event is announced, we share coordinates and a user guide to attending. Most of our engagements are all-inclusive and accommodating to all kinds of cars unless stated otherwise.

How do we contribute to the brand? 

Your contribution to the brand is through awareness of our three pillars of “For Nature, For Humanity, For Belonging”. You can choose to do this through digital content that we can be shared, campaign threads on your feed that showcase the culture, and your presence at our events.

How can I become a Wander Gold Member? 

The Wander Gold Member is a contributor to the brand through assistance, thought leadership and commitment throughout engagements.


I am interested in partnership opportunities with Wander. 

A large part of the development of Wander as a community was and still is due to the collaborations we have worked on with local initiatives. This allows us to ensure that we are creating an impact for the greater good while maintaining our values. We are open to having conversations about potential collaborations, partnerships, or even if you just want to chat - connect with us on

How is Wander impacting the cultural, environment and economic development of the regions? 

We have established values that ensure we preserve the culture, sustain the environment and enhance the economic development of the areas we function in. We do so by ensuring that we create conscious storytelling about the culture of the individuals or communities we travel to, leave no trace behind with our utilised equipment and shop local when we can. This teaches us to normalise the union of everyone’s efforts and that we respect those that were in places before us. 

Our Events:

What is ‘Unbound by Wander’? 

A flagship event that takes place towards the end of the year. It is our biggest community initiative that involves discovery and exploration around the country as well as an opportunity to share your journey with other participants. Information on this event is shared a few weeks before and requires pre-registration. If you are subscribed to our mailing list, you will receive the registration link.

What is the ‘Wander Forum’? 

This event is a twist on our usual outdoor activities. It is a session that hosts panelists that share their travel stories and experiences in the region and globally through conversation. Established in 2019, the platform aims to host narratives on culture and exploration through peoples stories and connectivity.

What is ‘Mapping Cities’? 

An initiative to promote documentation and storytelling through Mapping Cities. It is a series of exploration points wherein the participant collects a set of coordinates from a shared location and is responsible for creating content about their journey whilst sharing it with the community virtually.

Wander research & Development

What is Wander Research & Development?

As a community brand, it is our responsibility to ensure our initiatives and engagements regulate and innovate our impact on culture, environment and the economy. Throughout our campaigns and events, we establish a methodological framework to ensure cultural preservation through awareness, environmental sustainability through acts of sustainability, and economic impact on local businesses we work with in the region. 

You can read some of our publications here: 

How Unbound Impacts The Surrounding Communities

Wander Sustainability Report

How Did Unbound 2019 Serve The Wander Conservation Policy?

Conscious Camping

How do we join the Wander Research & Development Annual Meeting? 

If you wish to be a part of the research team, please email