Respecting Nature

Today I found myself witnessing something relatively common, but it sat a little heavier than usual. I saw a man parked on the side of the road, driver door wide open and seemed to be rummaging through a few things. As I approached I realized he had something to dispose of, it was bothering him. I watched this man as he got what he wanted and disposed of his rubbish outside his vicinity to only drive away and leave behind a wrapper. On the grounds that have been cemented in our favor, on the path that others will walk, a common area to be used by all - there lied a wrapper to no use but littering. What happens now? Why is this something I referred to as a "common" thing to witness? Why are the users of this land unaware of the measures of respect needed towards the world that was given to us?

With that said, before we preach clean environments and respecting the grounds we walk on there needs to be an understanding of why we need to do so. As a community, a society that aspires to continuously grow and a group of people living side by side, we have a duty to maintain and care for that which we have access to. To understand the extent of which littering causes harm.

When we litter, we increase the impurity in our nature. When we litter, we develop a habit that slows down our progression - in life and in the universe. When we litter, we are disrespecting the people around us by actions that say "we don't care if you're going to walk this path too, I'm leaving anyways".

I've driven roads around the country that resemble a heavenly living, mountains structured high and mighty, sands as far as your eyes can see, seas filled with creatures of living more than you can count. These roads contain impurities, a sign that says "another careless human being was here, someone that is not appreciative of the ground he has the ability to walk". We can argue about the effects of obliviousness, and you can defend the person by saying "we don't have disposable areas allocated in remote areas". However, that should be enough reason for you to not leave your rubbish behind.

Your role in this society is greater than you think. The role you play is solid and justifiable as a catalyst to a better tomorrow. You as a human with the ability to comprehend, understand and change the wrong are able to restructure the perception of littering. To diminish the effects of "laziness" to become a motive of maintaining clean deserts, cities and seas.

A part of me wants to believe that we all know the effects of littering, however I have provided a few reasons why we need to not leave rubbish behind:
1. Unattended rubbish will not support healthy living. A sick world will build toxic atmospheres that will then lead to degrading human health.
2. The future generations will appreciate it. We complain about environmental concerns because our previous generations did not push to resolve the harm.
3. The importance of biodiversity. Ecosystems exist, humans should not be the ones that inflict harm towards it. Humans are the smartest creatures in this world.
4. It is a reflection of yourself. A man that stands for things that have no direct effect (but plenty of hidden effects) is a character of high caliber.
5. These grounds are your home. The areas that hold up your houses, give way for your cars and allow for your existence - is the ground you need to respect.

The world is alive, the trees give you living and the universe gives to those that respect what they have been given.

Join Wander in taking an oath against littering, educating those that do litter and guiding them to a better understanding of nature. It is all we have.
