Wander & The Pandemic: A discussion on humanity.

We are writing this piece today so that maybe one day in the future we look back and say we lived through a pandemic. We lived through it and we realised that the only thing that matters is our unity. Maybe this piece will help us remember how strong we are as a community when we work collectively towards one goal. Maybe we will learn to practice compassion and service to those around us and continue to better our communities.

Today we witness ourselves retreating to our safe spaces, closing our doors and connecting to the world through our devices only. As a community that was heavily based on interactions, meeting humanity in the wild and creating moments in nature - we have discovered that our connection lives past our physical interactions. We have discovered that each one of us reading this now have carried the Wander in your hearts before we even existed. 

This is a clear indication on the impact we have as a community to service the rest of humanity by making wise decisions and listening to the authority accordingly. We also want to take this opportunity to address what power we have to create the world we all aspire to exist in. A world of compassion, unity and adventure. A world that believes in “For Nature, For Humanity, For Belonging”. 

In our conservation policy we have developed guidelines of how we are to exist in our nature, today is our chance to enhance our ideology on where man meets nature and where we need to be in our minds when we are allowed out again.

Considering there is near to nothing we can do towards our environment at the current moment, hoping everyone is respecting the quarantine, there is an understanding we can reach. An understanding on how we can live with nature and not above it. 

From the works of Alan Watts, a British Theologist that studied the interaction of man with nature:
“Our life and circumstances are almost purely man-made (or so we think), and there are many people who believe that we can never achieve any great degree of spirituality until we return to a closer contact with nature. But this idea is both true and false, false because the idea that we are independent of nature is a tremendous conceit, and true because we are, relatively speaking, divorced from nature by that very attitude. A secondary difference is that man is self-conscious; he believes himself to have an ego, a separate, self-contained, self-directing entity which has to figure things out for itself, whereas the bird just lets nature or instinct take care of its problems.” 

 The key takeaways from the excerpt is to be conscious of the brick wall we build around nature - in our minds and in our physical existence. 

A further observation that we have experienced during this time is the #WanderInternally contribution from the community. We have come together to share our stories to further uplift our mental states, join each other in compassion for our discoveries in the past and our aspirations for the future. With one voice, we were able to share our passions through a digital platform. Your post, his post, her post - inspires most. 

On October 5th, 2019 we wrote the following policies as our pledge to service our Humanity & Belonging: 

  1. To establish a ground that serves the community as it serves our stakeholders

  2. To use the right intention in all business matters and executions of our activities

  3. To create all-inclusive experiences for the community

  4. To respect the Wander philosophy of individuals 

  5. Meeting every social interaction with hospitality and acceptance

  6. Creating conscious content that represents to the world the ethics and lifestyle of the communities in this region. 

Today we are experiencing an influx of content that is based on the same common denominator among our community: acceptance, compassion and adventure. While we learn to practice sharing these emotions through our screens, we urge you to continue connecting with each other and creating the Wander regardless of the situation. It is a philosophy that lingers beyond the dunes and hilltops. 

The key takeaways from this segment is an understanding of your strength to uplift your community, create behaviour change towards yourself and your friends and further your impact on our current situation. We wanted to share with you below, the community that you have created: