This story began on the eve of the new year. I set my mind to do things differently, to never let anything stop me from living. I always dreamt of great expeditions, adventures and journeys. It feels like a distilled calm, a place only felt when the road is lonely....this is the feeling I pledge to follow.
After leaving my friends behind on the morning of January 1st 2020, I had my heart set on the relatively deserted island of Dalma. What was I going to do there? I don’t know. How long was I to be there? I also don’t know. All I knew is the 434km of open road on a bike that was ahead of me. Planned fuel stops around nearest coffee places, covered mileage and the painstakingly straightforward international highway that floated across six lanes of wind, sabkhas and palm trees.
It was my first time riding solo, most people fear the boredom of the straight open highways. I learned otherwise, on an open road with no one to talk to and no music to play. The mind starts to wander. It wanders into dreams of future expeditions but then it all hits you at once. An overwhelming flush of joy and peace watching the setting sun and the road itself focusing, for no particular reason, on the pattern of the asphalt and getting lost in every crack and pithole. You then raise your head up to watch the clouds paint a masterpiece in the sky.
“It’s just you, the road, the sky and all the surroundings that blew your mind. You realize, the universe danced a special dance exclusively for you and this feeling you are feeling right now, is entirely yours. ”
And then you feel this strong urge to share this experience with someone, pointing out for them to look ahead. But there is no one with you. It’s just you, the road, the sky and all the surroundings that blew your mind. You realize, the universe danced a special dance exclusively for you and this feeling you are feeling right now, is entirely yours. As authentic as it happens. It will never be seen like this again, you think to yourself.
Dalma is nothing short of what the United Arab Emirates looked like in the 80s and 90s. I asked the locals what they do on the island, he smiled and said, “the beach.” I didn’t get it then, it was night time. But in the morning I would get it.
The morning hit me like a wave, almost literally. I rose to the chirping of the birds, the sea making its way onto land so as to caress the earth. I made my way to the beach, and you know, I had no different expectation than what I already know. Water, blue, big, just like Dubai. But no, I was wrong. I understand now why the local smiled when he said the beach. I get it.
There it was, the Arabian Gulf sitting in eerie silence in its solitude and depth. It sat unmoved in its grandeur and vastness, it carried the stories of travellers, it held a mirror up to the sun so as to say how beautiful the universe looked. And I was there, watching it do its dance with the world. Alone on a beach, with only myself and the gentle longing of the wave to the land. It is in that moment of time that I read to myself “it is only in the depth of silence that the voice of God is heard”. And I mustered up all my will to remain in this moment. I felt the waves inside of me, I let the universe talk to me, and I listened ever so closely.
As I rode the ferry back to the mainland, I sat in contemplation. You know how the saying goes, “the more you see, the less you know” and every mile further is a mile less in knowledge as the world expands at my fingertips. I had no idea what was coming for me. On the ferry I sat and appreciated the blowing wind, clear skies and sun, I had no idea what was coming for me.
When I left Dubai, I had planned to be on the road for four days. I only had Dalma planned. I hadn’t thought as far as the next day. Somewhere further east of the country, Hamad was crossing his 434km stretch alone to meet me halfway before we continued on. When I was still in Dalma, he called me.
Ahmed: “I saw a sign that says Saudi Arabia 160km. What do you say we cross the border, have lunch in Saudi and come back?”
Hamad: “What do you think about spending a night in Al Damam?”
Ahmed: You know what, there’s a bridge near Al Damam that takes us across to Bahrain. What do you say?
Hamad: See you in Ruwais at noon.
Twelve hours later, we were inbound to Bahrain.
Orange marshmallow skies, unknown roads and lots of kilometers on the clock. The views were incredible but the weather started to get colder as night started to fall. On open roads, the experience is from the landscapes around you. When the sun is shining, you are distracted by the changing terrains and how far your eyes can see. When night falls, it gets cold and your determination weakens. When you pass that range of kilometers, it becomes personal. You are not doing it for recognition or someone's applause. You enter a physical and mental dilemma that only the road will solve. It is when you reach halfway and the distance back home is 400kms and the remaining distance is 400km with nowhere to spend the night. So you keep going. It becomes a matter of survival.
We arrived to Bahrain at 2am, rested for a short while and then worked our way into town to meet this city we rode all night for. A short encounter with the culture, the motorsports and the community. Short lived but rich and and entirely worth it.
Now, think about this. One way home and a total of 960kms. Halfway through and everything starts to hurt, your back, your neck against the wind, wrists, forearms. Your legs from the lack of blood circulation. In that moment, you might regret the overambitious drive to cross so much land. This is the opportunity cost of thrill, bliss and the experience. This is what you will remember, not how tired you were. You will remember the good times and the bad times, do not seem as bad anymore. So you ask if I will do it again? Hell yeah; over and over a million times. My question to you is, will you ever do it? Chase that feeling of distilled calm on an open highway? In the silence of the sea? In foreign countries far away from home? This is what you will be evaluating your life against many years from today, are you building it?
May you always chase the wave.
Yours truly,
Ps. Song: Run - Clouds and Thorns.