
Nature. Life.

"Life feels like a blind path. That moment you are stopped before a dune larger than any you've ever driven before, you watch as the grains of sand swiftly move in the direction of the wind almost characterizing it. Taking a deep breath, securing the already fastened seat belt, turning your radio off and feeling your foot slowly press down on the gas and suddenly you're moved with that momentum and you see the once swiftly moving sand is now gushing beneath your rubber, the vessel you're sat in is raging, your heart is racing and the world around you is chaotic. You take the dune for what it's worth at full capacity and for the millisecond that feels like a decade where you're in mid air awaiting the sound of breakage you peak through your squinting eyes only to find you made it to the other side. This is life"

This is my interpretation of winging it, with an underpinning notion of understanding life just a little bit. This is something nature has taught me, and I don't think anything else is more capable of teaching me this lesson. When we go out into nature we are exposing ourselves to a probability of danger, an element of the unknown and a high chance of something new to burst our bubble of comfort. As we all know, society has built compartments of predictability for us to live in, homes we are familiar with and people with the same behavior. "Don't speak to strangers" "Don't ask certain questions" "Just mind your own business".

Under what circumstance is this the right way to move forward? Why is obliviousness in thought a way of life?

We have walked the earth on egg shells, we have always thought most of our impulsive reactions are wrong and disrespectful. We have always journeyed on a path of individualism completely disregarding the natural collectivist within us. Always careful, always thinking we have a say in what the future holds for us. The only say we have is in how willing we are to ride the wave.

Ride the wave, hold on and push through and wait to see what happens on the otherside - always knowing you gave it your all. Whats in the rucksack? A dash of passion, a handful of adrenaline and a whole lot of curiosity.

What I'm getting at is, the way a human naturally behaves in nature is something that has become foreign to us. A behavior we regard as odd. Tell me this, when you're dug deep in the sand and seeking help, are you going to shy away from asking for help? or are you going to wave down the next car that drives by?

Take the stuck situation and apply it to self-discovery and daily concrete jungle struggles. If you are stagnant in life, in dire need of a change but think twice about waving down the next person to seek help how are we going to grow as a society? How are we going to learn? How are we going to find ourselves within others?

Channel your inner impulsive reaction to the world around you. Just like we allow nature to be nature, allow yourself to be yourself and watch where you land - no breakage, no damage but plenty of progression.
