
Are we an inclusive community? The study of Wander across the years. 

While jumping dunes and curving roads, we have made friends in places least expected. We experienced moments, discovered lands and lived to tell the story. 

As we grow in passion and number, our main focus is to create thoughtful impact on the community through our Wanderers. To listen to their journeys requires a certain degree of understanding and communal efforts to create a cohesive belonging in a land that has seen diversity like no place on earth. But in a rapidly developing country, an overwhelming number of new trends that make the more recent ones obsolete - what is authentic to our belonging? What do we harness and protect as we ride the wave of modernism and how do we do it? 

We are not necessarily trend setters - we are just living the truth of who we have always been. By still engaging in activities that our elders enjoyed is not a statement of us remaining in the past rather revolutionizing a timeless activity into a modern face-lift.

Community is not dead. Naturally, as we continue developing into a metropolitan hub we feel a disconnect from (human nature) and find it much easier to say “we no longer connect”. In reality, this is the most absurd illusion you can live in. With social platforms we have worn our hearts on our sleeves - expressing emotion and interests to the world. Listen to everyone’s story, respect everyone’s mission.

Innate Connectedness. We are far from being strangers. In fact, we are the closest we have ever been because of the little windows in our pocket. The world is closer than we thought, especially when someone in Canada wants a Wander sticker (hey Daniel!). You have more things in common with a stranger as you do with someone that has shared your life. Connectedness is not measured by quantifiable interactions rather emotional connectedness.

Throughout the years of running through this community of beautiful beautiful people, we have come across experiences that cannot be put into words. The synergy of a few people that in turn becomes a mission to cross the deserts of the UAE, Wanderers that carry the emblem on their sleeves, people we have never met creating stories we have never seen, an undying philosophy of travel, adventure and seeking the unsought. But most of all, the soul. The amount of authenticity we have experienced, the raw reality you allow us to exist in, is what we are celebrating today and everyday. Thank you for making Wander real.